
Friday, June 29, 2012

Are We All Destined For Hell?

If ever there is a sign for all of us here in this country that the world is about to come to an end, we can take a good look at the Democrat party and say - yup, they're leading us all straight to hell because of this health care law, because of abortion, because they want to take away our religious freedom and force us to pay for birth control and other sins, and now they side totally with gay marriage rights. Worse, and perhaps the biggest disappointment in all of this, is how a conservative judge could actually give Obama what he wanted - a health care law that is going to ruin a lot of lives, take away a lot of jobs, and cost trillions.

Do these people in our government not believe that there is a hell - put there for all of us to be punished for our sins? Are not the Catholics in the government aware of this? I just want to know.

I heard a news story today that said Kathleen (excommunicated Catholic) Sebelius doled out over two billion dollars to planned parenthood before the law was passed because she, and others, believed it was going to fail, too, and she wanted to give them money to stay in business. Did we not pray hard enough or is it too late for our prayers now? Is God tired of listening to us or are we just past the point of righteousness and on the bring of damnation?

The other question, is, will Mitt Romney really get rid of the health care law if he becomes president or is he just saying that since he wants to be president? Seriously, who can we trust or believe anymore?

Maybe Justice Roberts was right in his ruling. But think of this. If he is right, then did the democrats pull the wool over our eyes by telling us that this law will invoke a penalty if we do not buy health insurance, knowing full well that the law had this little tax issue in it? Our first clue should have been when Obama told us that it would be inforced by the IRS. Pretty skanky. Now they are raising our taxes by over 500 billion? AND medicare is going to be cut by 500 billion? What is happening?

These are just a few of the many questions I now have and I'm sure others have regarding all of this. I believe most mouths dropped open when that decision was read by the Supreme Court yesterday.

Well dear Lord, come and get us. What are we waiting for? Why allow our country and our world to continue in its sins - get rid of us. We are a horrible people. We have horrible people running this country. We are losing Catholics, Christians and so on in the name of evil. Catholic don't listen to the Church regarding birth control, abortion, and gay marriage. People do not care. People are living as if there is nothing to worry about. You know, like hell.

And actually I believe I have been living as if there is nothing to worry about either. But if you do a search on youtube and find people who have supposedly had near death experiences and landed in hell and then came back to tell us what it is like, we would all be changing our lives pronto and turning to God and leaving the things of this world alone forever. And for some of the people who ended up there, I'm sure they never gave hell a second thought. Some did not know where they even were because they weren't taught about it.

For example, one person was a born again Christian and he ended up there. What happened, wasn't he "really" saved?

A mormon lady ended up there and it changed her in to a Christian. And we're supporting a mormon for president?

The videos I watched (can't say if they are all true or not) were enough to start me thinking and praying again. I, for one, have wasted the past year doing everything BUT giving to God what He deserves - my love and attention and gratitude. Forget purgatory - that's only for people who actually listen to God and try to do as God wants. And it's really very simple. Love Him. And love our neighbor as ourselves.

Well, for me I need a total attitude adjustment. And a realization that I, like so many others, am one step closer to hell than I am to heaven.

People, we need to start praying and praying hard and not stopping. We need to pray for a conversion for those in government who now control our life and very possibly, our death. They kill the unborn. Who's to say they won't start killing others, now? Like the elderly.

When we are told in Scripture to persevere in our prayer and Christian life, God wasn't joking.

Wake up Americans. Our lives are not our own. They belong to God. And if we believe that God won't send us to hell because He is a loving God, think again. WE will send ourselves there, not God. He does not want us there. But His justice requires it. He just wants us to love Him as we were created to do. And of course, obey Him. And the Church. That's it.

So what's the answer to all of this? To start with, turn off the television and if you do watch for a while each day, watch something that doesn't have ads. Many ads could almost be classified as porn. The network channels are no better. It has gotten so bad that if I am watching something, I walk out of the room when the garbage comes on.

Also, read Scripture daily. Pray as often as you can, espcially the rosary, each day. Do penance along with fasting. Pray for the conversions of our congressmen and women and president. Attend Mass daily, if possible. Go to confession at least once a month and more if possible. You'll find that the more you go to confession, the more you become aware of your sins as they happen. We need God's grace to be saved and receiving the sacraments is the only way to receive sanctifying grace.

Follow the precepts of the Church. These are the laws our Church has made to help us in our walk. Go to mass weekly, on holy days. Fast and abstain on appointed days. Don't shop on Sundays. That day is reserved to our Lord. Try to live up to the beatitudes.

If you do use artificial birth control, stop now and confess your sin. Trust in God to give you the children he wants you to have or not have. Fight against abortion, reminding the pro-abortion people that they are killing an unborn child - a living person created by God, who formed us in the womb. If you have had an abortion, go confess it now because you have officially excommunicated yourself from the Catholic Church and cannot and especially should not receive Holy Communion, with a mortal sin on your soul. As should any of us receive with mortal sin on our soul.

If you are gay, please do your soul a favor by NOT receiving either. And same goes for hetersexuals who are living together or just live a very immoral life. Do not go to Communion. We drink judgement on ourself by doing to Holy Communion with mortal sin on our soul. We must not offend the Lord anymore than He is already offended.

Most of all have faith in Almighty God in each and everything we do. And when it comes time for you to die, request the final sacrament of the Church, IF you are lucky enough to not die suddenly. You are going to need it. We have up to the moment of death to confess any sins we may still have. God knows what we have done so there is no sense to lying or hiding them to a priest. He has been given the power from Jesus Himself, to absolve ours.

Finally, visit the blessed sacrament as often as possible. Tell God everything. Cry to Him. Ask Him for help. He WILL help you. Tell Him "Jesus, I Trust In You" and begin trusting Him in every aspect of your life. And pray for those who are leading all of us down the wide path to hell.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Chatty Catholic Blog now has a Chatty Catholic MESSAGE BOARD!!
If you'd like to have more in depth discussions on something discussed here or something else entirely please join our new Chatty Catholic Message Board.

It's really simple...especially for anyone who is already familiar with message board forums.

1) Register. [go here: ]
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3) Once I receive your request, I will accept it and you can begin posting!

All are welcome!! God bless!


After several unfortunate issues with AIMOO board, I decide to try another forum.

Chatty Catholics is now (also) located on the Proboards. I'd like everyone to let me know which forum they prefer after trying them out. I will delete one of them.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Priest takes on socialism in America

I received this in email from Chatty Catholic Marge and just had to share it here.

This video is shared on the Saint Thomas More website. This is their quote about the video...

"Fr. Andrew was invited to lead the opening prayer at the 2012 Colorado Republican State Assembly and Convention in the Magness Arena at the University of Denver. The moral challenges facing our country are not caused by political affiliation, but rather by attacks on religious freedom. He invites all people of conscience to uphold religious freedom."

Monday, June 4, 2012

And the survey says...Goodbye Richard Dawson

I just wanted to take a moment to mention the death of T.V. actor and game show host Richard Dawson.

I grew up watching Richard as a contestant on the Match Game show (hosted by the late Gene Rayburn) and then later on his own game show "The Family Feud". I always liked Richard 'the kissing game show host' and was saddened to hear of his death this weekend.

Rest in peace Richard Dawson, you will be missed.

Photo from Tumblr.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Fundamentalist IGNORANT MORONS

I wasn't born a Catholic. I am [proudly] a convert to the Catholic faith. I know fundamentalists and fundamental theology very well. Though I never considered myself to actually BE a fundamentalist, I did hold with a few fundamentalist ideologies [like only born again believers will be in heaven...baptising babies only got them wet...] you get the idea.

One of the first things I learned about the Catholic faith is that it is NEVER EVER EVER about 'hate'. Everything the Catholic Church teaches comes from PURE LOVE. This pure love comes from God to His Holy Catholic Church and from there is poured out to the world. One of these examples of love is the Catholic teaching of homosexuality. The Church does NOT teach that simply BEING a homosexual will send you to hell for eternal punishment - that is a teaching of protestant fundamentalists. They [protestant fundamentalists] CHEER this teaching...they get their toddlers to sing about it. Apparently they relish the thought of homosexuals burning in Hell, it makes them giddy...they stand up clapping and cheering thinking of all the homosexuals who are going to hell.

These people are SICK and [yes I will go there] THEY are doing the work of the devil, NOT the work Jesus Christ.

I do NOT understand how ANYONE - most especially a bible reading Christian- could CHEER at the thought of someone going to hell. That simply does not register in my mind. I am terrified at the thought of a SINGLE person going to hell for all eternity. I don't want a single soul to be lost. It is my deepest desire that ALL would be saved and one day live in eternity with our Lord. Seeing this video... I was ashamed for them, horrified of them, disgusted by them and inspired to pray FOR them. It's wrong for people to be like that... they need prayers to prevent THEM from going to hell one day for their hatred. Hatred is of the devil, love is of God. These people right now are far from godly people... their preaching hatred is making the devil proud and make the angels in heaven weep.

There is NO sin in simply BEING a homosexual. The sin, as with ALL sin is in the ACT. When people make a decision to DO something they have the opportunity to sin. If a heterosexual person has sex outside of marriage THEY have just sinned. If a homosexual person has sex they have just sinned. If neither of them actually have sex, they are not guilty of fornication/adultery. They must give in to temptation to be guilty of sin. Chaste homosexuals are NOT guilty of any sexual sin simply because they were born gay.

If fundamentalists would actually READ what those bibles they cling to say, they would realise that all accounts of sexual sin in the bible show someone giving in to temptation- actually committing the act of sex.

I found the video by reading the National Catholic Register article:
"And we wonder why the secular west thinks Christians are ignorant homophobes?" and I was sickened by these fundamentalists, absolutely sickened by them! They ought to be ASHAMED of themselves for preaching such horrid hatred and for passing it on to their innocent babies to learn. Just disgusting.

To all the fundamentalist protestants out there... OPEN YOUR BIBLES AND YOUR HEARTS to the Word of our Lord.

John 13:34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Catholic Catechism: Chastity and homosexuality

2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.

THAT is the Catholic view of homosexuality and homosexual people.